Tuesday, February 1, 2011

My favourite poem out of the three poems of Shel Silverstein

My favourite poem out of the three is The Little Boy and the Old Man. Actually it is my favourite as I feel that I can identify the poem the best!:)
I feel that this poem is very meaningful. In the poem, Shel Silverstein had showned how reality had been neglecting the young and old. The adults are too busy and engrossed in their daily life and thus had not shown enough love and care for both the young and the old. In other words, both the young and old feel a sense of negligence. The adults could have forgotten how it felt to be neglected when they were young and how their parents had took care of them. Therefore, they did not show love towards their young and old. I feel that we should learn form this poem and not let our daily life carry us away from our family. It is very important to have a good bond with our families as in times of need, our friends may help us, but what if they do not? Ultimately, it would be our family members that would truly help us. It is also our duty to be responsible whether is it taking care of the young or old.
Thank you for reading!:)

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