Friday, February 4, 2011

28th January 2011- Telephone Conversation by Wole Soyinka

Q1) Personally, I feel that the colours signified the difference in the skin colour of the two people speaking, dark and light. Therefore, this poem is also showing the difference in the treatment of the black and white.
The different colours also show that the white is rich and in contrast, the black is not as rich or poor. In this case, the colour gold is used to signify the wealth of the white. The colour red is also used in the poem to represent the anger of the black when being asked the question whether she was a black or a white. The colour red also signifies equality. This can be seen from the different countries having the same booths,pillar-box and double-tiered Omnibus-squelching tar.
Q2) The dialogue of the poem reveals both the speakers were concerned with their skin colours. The first speaker states that she hated a wasted trip. She said so as she knew that she was a black and the landlord is a white. In other words, she knew that the chances of her getting a apartment are slim. The landlord is also concerned about the colour of her client's skin, in other words, being racist.
Q3) The client won the battle ultimately. The client had told the landlady to look at his skin in a rude way by asking her to look at his butt. He also the one who ended the conversation and not allowing the landlady to reply.


  1. I think that this is a well explained answer. Perhaps you can observe the fact that your information is rather messy, and it does not really piques the curiosity of the reader to read your posts. This is just what I feel, but all in all, good job Arnold!
    Jack Tan 2O307

  2. The battle is ultimately won by the persona, perhaps you should go through the last few lines of the poem and try to figure out why. The colour 'red' highlights how the buses, telephone booths etc are probably red in different countries but the same equality is lacking in the way people are treated.

  3. Hi Arnold, I have to agree with Jack on the point that your post is slightly messy. Besides that, everything is in good order. However, you might want to change your answer for question 3 as I don't think the landlady winning just because she is white being a vaild reason. Saving that, keep up the good work!
